Gaston Leroux's The Phantom Of The Opera

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The Phantom of the Opera was a novel that was first written by Gaston Leroux in 1909. Before Gaston Leroux wrote his classic novel; Gaston Leroux was influenced by detective novels which he adapted into his novel. The written versions main constraint was that it was only telling the storyline. Over time the novel was adapted into different version utilizing different mediums. One version that gained widespread attention was Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 25th celebration of the Phantom of the Opera which added music and design to the storyline. Both Gaston Leroux and Andrew Lloyd Webber faced different exigence, audience’s affordances, and constraints which defined each other’s rhetorical context. Both writers had two different elements of the storyline such as the opening act and the Opera Ghost’s place of residence.
Gaston Leroux's first wrote the Phantom of the Opera in 1909. During this time, people lived a modest life and were entertained by books, newspapers, and live theater. It can be said that people of the vintage era were easily persuaded and frightened of the stories they read and heard about due to the trustworthiness of the era.
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In order for Gaston Leroux to present a unique storyline; Gaston Leroux had to present different modes of engagement in order to engage his audience. Since the novel was written in 1909, Gaston Leroux faces many constraints such as credibility and presentation to engage his audience. Gaston Leroux was limited in only telling the story; however, he utilized this medium as an