Gastric Ulcer Case Study Essay

Words: 441
Pages: 2

GI Disorder Case Study

1) A gastric ulcer also known as a Peptic ulcer is pretty common in Americans. An ulcer is the general term for an eroded mucosal lesion in the central portion of the GI tract which results in a loss of tissue on the surface of the mucosa. Most of these ulcers occur in the duodenal bulb because this is where gastric contents are emptying into the duodenum through the pyloric valve are most concentrated.

2) The factors that led to Lowell’s ulcer was that after his headache from the dull, gnawing pain in his abdomen he took an aspirin. Which aspirin or any other NSAIDS start to induce ulcer formation by interfering with formation of prostaglandins, which is the chemicals that help the mucosal lining resist caustic acid damage.

3) After looking over the results of Lowell’s initial nutrition assessment data I would us this information in nutrition counseling by letting him know that he Is at healthy weight for his height and that he should maintain that while he is trying to heal his ulcer. Also, I would watch his hemoglobin because it is low and the ulcer if worsened could bleed still and drop his hemoglobin levels even more.
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He should also eat a balance nutritious diet which is limited on caffeine, black pepper, and other food and seasonings that may inhibit the healing of the ulcer. Lowell, should also avoid any lifestyle habits that are known to increase acid secretion and inhibit healing. Lowell’s wife can also play an important role in helping his ulcer heal by making sure that he doesn’t eat the foods and seasonings that could affect the healing process while also providing an environment in the house that doesn’t put any stress on