Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Research Paper

Words: 449
Pages: 2

Shandee Seiffert
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD is a chronic disease that occurs when stomach acid or bile flows into the food pipe and irritates the lining. Acid reflux and heartburn more than twice a week may indicate GERD. When you swallow, a circular band of muscle around the bottom of your esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter) relaxes to allow food and liquid to flow into your stomach. Then the sphincter closes again. If the sphincter relaxes abnormally or weakens, the stomach acid can flow back up into your esophagus. This constant backwash of acid irritates the lining of your esophagus, often causing it to become inflamed. It is important to seek immediate medical care if you have chest pain, especially if you also have shortness of breath, or jaw and arm pain. These may be signs and symptoms of a heart attack.
Symptoms include burning pain in the chest that usually occurs after eating and worsens when lying down. Common signs and symptoms of GERD include a burning sensation in your chest (heart burn), usually after eating, which may be worst at night, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, regurgitation of food or sour liquid, and sensation of a lump in your throat. If you have
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You also start taking non- prescription medicines that reduce or block acids. GERD is usually self-treated. It helps to elevate the head of your bed, to modify your diet, and to lose weight. Medications such as antacid, proton-pump inhibitor, and diarrhea medication help. If you still have symptoms after taking medicines for a few weeks, you may need prescription medicines. You may need to keep up with your treatment over the long term to prevent GERD symptoms from coming back. If GERD keeps coming back or gets worse, you may need to think about