Gates Millennium Scholarship Analysis

Words: 519
Pages: 3

Gates Millennium Scholarship When I was five years old my mother put me in ballet class. The first day our teacher told us "in order to succeed you must make the work look easy...”. However, she did not say the dance would be effortless. Every time that I entered the studio I knew it was time to buckle down and learn. I believe that learning the importance of perseverance enabled me to build a steady work ethic. These same ideas started developing in those early dance classes can be transferred over into my everyday life. I learned to work diligently in any subject in order to achieve mastery. In my AP Language and Composition, Earth and Environmental and Spanish classes I have succeeded. The factors that I attribute that success to are commination skills, enthusiasm, and perseverance. A characteristic that I attribute to my success is the ability to communicate. Communication is key aspect of as successful student because you have to be able to portray your words in a manner that anyone could understand. If you turn in a paper that has bad sentence structure and ill written tenses then your instructor will likely be distracted by your poor writing skills and miss the importance of your argument. Communication skills are also an essential aspect of any academic and personal relationship. You have to be able to …show more content…
So many students that encounter on a daily basis hate going to school. They say that they are not learning anything. I find that if you are interested in a subject then you learn better. You improve your ability to learn and the atmosphere of the class room. These changes change simply be being more involved. When I take a class I aim to become passionate about what we learn. This way the assignments are not seen as work but a chance to learn more about a subject. I believe that having enthusiasm can enhance your whole learning