Gender Roles In A Thousand Splendid Suns

Words: 884
Pages: 4

Khalid Hosseini's, A Thousand Splendid Suns, is an epic tale of two young Afghan women; Laila and Mariam. Although they differ greatly in age and everyday life, they share the same heartache, pain and tribulation of living in a country ruined by political oppression and war. The role of women in Afghanistan is an unjust and unreasonable position in which they are continuously denied many freedoms and rights. The women in the story engage reader's interest and sympathy; their personalities are almost real and existent. It is amazing that Hosseini, a man, could have so much insight into the feelings of women at particular circumstances. Hosseini positively depicts the persona of Afghan women and their ability to endure gender inequality, lack of education and Taliban regulation.
Western countries encourage and enforce women's rights; however, that is not the case for Afghanistan during the time period of, A Thousand Splendid Suns. Afghanistan then, did not believe in equality between men and women; men were superior whereas women were inferior. Hosseini identifies these
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Hosseini writes the story of thousands of Afghan women with the journey taken by just two; Laila and Mariam. These two characters have many differences yet they also have many similarities, they share the same heartache, pain and tribulation. The role of women in Afghanistan is unjust and unreasonable position in which they are continuously denied many freedoms and rights. The women in the story engage reader's interest and sympathy; their personalities are almost real and existent. It is amazing that Hosseini, a man, could have so much insight into the feelings of women at particular circumstances. Hosseini positively depicts the persona of Afghan women and their ability to endure gender inequality, lack of education and Taliban