Gender Roles In Lysistrata

Words: 611
Pages: 3

Lysistrata , written by Aristophanes, in 411 BC, tells the story about a woman named Lysistrata that is tired of men being away at war. It takes place in Athens during the Peloponnesian war. Lyistrata decides to summon all the women as she schemed up a plan to end the war between Sparta and Athens. She tries to convince all the women to make a pact of abstinence so Athens and Sparta sign a peace treaty. The novel goes through all the work Lysistrata, Lamptio, representative of Sparta, Myrrhine, one of the first ladies to show up to Lysistrata meeting. While the women of Greece endured hardship and many almost gave up, they showed that gender roles are no longer relevant. This book is thousands of years old but it still relates to many aspects