Gender Roles In The Godfather

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Pages: 5

In society, males and females are portrayed in certain gender specific roles. Males are generally depicted as having more masculine characteristics, such as being strong powerful and not having to worry about their family. Females are viewed as being more passive, and emotionally driven. Females are submissive to the men in their lives. These stereotypes confirm societal opinions on males being the sole breadwinners in a household, and females being in charge of housework and care taking of the children in the home. In the Godfather, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, Men are shown to be more superior to women through Characterization.. In the mafia lifestyle, men are taught that there are no consequences to their actions. While women are uninvolved in the life of the men of the …show more content…
After Connie and Carlo got married she was constantly abused by the men in her life, as she was unhappy after the wedding was over. For example, When Sonny went over to her and Carlo’s house she was bruised and battered all around her face. “What’s the matter, Carlo?” Connie asks. Carlo replies, “Shut up and lay the table!” In this, quote shows how much Connie wants to love Carlo and how Carlo does not care for Connie. When Sonny was ready to step in to the matter, she blames herself saying the she hit him first. Carlo abused Connie physically and after she still loves takes, the responsibility for him or Carlo would have been deceased earlier in the movie. Another man in Connie’s life that took manipulated her was her brother Michael. Michael was the man who orchestrated the death of Carlo for betraying the Corleone family. “You killed my husband! You waited until our father died so nobody could stop you and you killed him! You killed him! Your blamed him for Sonny, you always did, everybody did. But you never thought about me. You never gave a damn about me. What am I going to