Essay on Gender Stereotypes

Submitted By andzelika-kos
Words: 506
Pages: 3

The stereotype is exempt us from thinking. A stereotype is a big help when evaluating something or someone worse . The stereotype is " a shortcut " through our thoughts . We like stereotypes , even when they do not admit to this . We like when someone does something for us, and the stereotype is that this is . Someone thinks , but rather thinking for us ....

Stereotypes are really very simple to use. We see the blonde and I know that is silly, dressed in pink girl thinking only about makeup. We meet an Arab , and look out , if by chance the belt does not have a few sticks of dynamite , so "just in case " . Mother in law need to be afraid . She's always with a rolling year and has the inclusions of their " two cents " . The woman behind the wheel of this evil , which you need to avoid like the plague.

It's funny and at first glance it risks producing things, but you can multiply the tragic and frightening effects of stereotypes. The hostility between nations derived out of this , from someone who did something bad to me , but because these are general national stereotypes . Even today, we do not refer friends to the Jews , because in their hands all the power in the world. We do not like roms because it's filthy and thieves .

Based on stereotypes or sensational scandals all messages. Even last case motorman who died under the wheels of the car. He is still young , defenseless boy , almost a child. The police on the other hand is bad. This stereotyping of activities riot police from the 80 supported and cultivated in the public consciousness in some circles until the present time , however, objectively speaking, he was driving too fast and nothing can justify . Television stations played but on the feelings of people and just stereotypes by creating an amazing story. The poor young boy had a whole life ahead ....

We like the stereotypical approach of life. Stereotypical