Gender Stereotypes In The Movie Industry

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Pages: 4

There are many stereotypes in our society and you can never go even a day without either using one or hearing one being used by someone else. We can often find them in the form of what is know to be called “blond jokes”. It is a well-known fact that these so called “jokes” harshly ridicule and stereotype all people with blonde colored hair. Although some people find these “jokes” to be hysterical, they are actually very damaging to the well-being of blonds all over the world.These “jokes” often portray all blondes as being dim-witted, and they even go as far as to display them as being sexually promiscuous. Many people view this category of joke as being extremely sexist because although there are male blonde’s being portrayed, the majority of the “jokes” are centered around blonde females. One of the “jokes” you can often hear is “How do you get a blonde to climb on the roof?”, but is this genuinely a joke …show more content…
The movie industry, otherwise known as Hollywood, as well as society, portrays blonds this way as a force of habit, for that is what they believe and since it is engraved in our minds we too start to also believe these stereotypes. The blonds with blue eyes are frequently exploited in culture and advertisement. In the movie Mean Girls, one of the main characters, Karen Smith, is blonde and of course is portrayed as being dumb. In the movie she states “If your from Africa then why are you white.” It is quite evident that no matter how cordial, she really is, Karen is the stereotypical “dumb blonde”. Another movie that portrays a dense blonde is the movie Legally Blonde. In this movie the main character Elle Woods, who although attends Harvard College, is not exactly the smartest knife in the draw. It is often shown in movies and advertisements that blondes are dumb, however this is both deleterious for blonds and extremely