Essay on General Biology Test Questions with Answers

Submitted By maimorishita
Words: 302
Pages: 2

Mai Morishita
General Biology
Dr. S. Lund
4 September 2014

Chapter 1 Application Questions

1. What is the advantage of peer review in science?
The Advantage of peer review in science is that you can get personal opinions on different topics and receive suggestions on they way you write certain things or phrase words to make you a better writer
2. Explain how life can be viewed at different levels of biological complexity. The organization of living organisms can be analyzed at different levels of biological complexity, starting with the smallest level of organization and progressing levels that are physically much larger and more complex.
3. Why are controls needed when conducting scientific experiments? Controls are needed when conducing scientific experiments so that you have something to compare the variables to.
4. How do vertical and horizontal gene transfer differ? Vertical gene transfer uses reproduction as a means of gene transfer through generations. Horizontal gene transfer uses non-reproductive methods of gene transfer.
5. Briefly describe the key differences between the three domains of life. Bacteria is mostly unicellular prokaryotes that inhabit many diverse environments on earth. Archaea are unicellular prokaryotes that often live in extreme environments, such as hot springs. Eukarya are both unicellular and multicellular organisms having cells with internal compartments that serve various functions.
6. Distinguish between discovery-based science and hypothesis testing. In discovery-based science is an approach in which researchers conduct experiments and analyze data without a preconceived hypothesis. In hypothesis testing is a series of steps to formulate and test the validity of a hypothesis. It often involves a comparison between the control and experimental groups.
7. In science are a theory and a hypothesis considered the same thing? Explain your answer. No; A hypothesis is a proposal to explain a natural phenomenon. A useful hypothesis makes a testable prediction. A theory is a broad explanation that is substantiated by a large body of evidence.