General History Of Virginia And Of Plymouth Plantation Essay

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Pages: 2

In this essay I am going to tell you what the similarities, and differences in “The General History of Virginia “ and “ Of Plymouth Plantation” and some facts about them . They all had different reasons and had different goals and distinct ways of life but they all risked their lives for a new life in a new country. John Smith and William Bradford were two completely divergent types of people. John Smith was a daredevil and William Bradford was a pious Puritan. The two men are very different from each other, but still share some similarities.
Some facts about John Smith was that he wrote General History of Virginia and he explains how the trip to Jamestown was, and what had to face such as the hardships they did while starting it. He didn't look out for his people so they had to do everything by themselves. John smith was captured by the tribe of powhatan and was almost beaten to pulp. He had many hardships with the food supply in his colony. He was a selfish leader and kept food for himself.
Some facts about William Bradford wrote of Plymouth plantation and he explains about the trials of building up a colony and his relations with the natives. He was a giving leader
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One contrast has to do with the natives. John Smith dealt with hostile Indians who killed many of his men and even captured and tried to kill him. However William Bradford had a more positive experience with the Indians. His colony dealt with one Indian in particular who taught them how to plant corn and raise other crops. Their writings were intended for different audiences and they both had different purposes. John Smith's purpose was to bring people to the new world. He wrote a pamphlet to the people in England and told about all the good things about New England. In his pamphlet he tried to persuade people to join him in the new land. William Bradford was very close to god and he remembered to thank him for everything he