Genesis 20: 1-13 Study Guide

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Lesson 14 Subjects of Discussion (20:1-21:34)

I. Review Genesis lesson 13 from last week. 1. How have you been helped by what you've learned from the lesson? What are some of the reminders and applications? (Please list the page numbers.)

2. How do you apply that in your life? What are your response in practical actions?

3. Recite the verse from last week: Gen.18:17

II. Genesis 20:1-18 Abraham's weakness.
4. (1) Please briefly describe the same mistake he repeated in this chapter (12:10-20). When did this incident take place?

(2) How was this recorded event related to what happened later in verse 21:1-8?

5. (1) Why did Abraham lie this time? What would
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Genesis 21:9-21 The leaving of Hagar and Ishmael.
(1) What was the meaning of Ishmael's "scoffing"? (21:8-9; Gal.4:28-29)

(2) How did Sarah handle the "scoffing" of Ishmael? (21:10-11)

(3) What did God tell Abraham to do? Why? (21:12-13)

11. (1) How did God care for Hagar? How does this encourage you?

(2) Have you ever been at your wits' end? How has God made a way for you when there seems to be no way?

12. What is the spiritual meaning of Sarah's casting out Hagar and Ishmael in order for Isaac to be the heir of inheritance? (Gal.4:22-31;5:1,4; Eph.2:8-9; Jh.14:6)

13. (1) How do Ishmael and Isaac represent Christians' "old self" and "new man"? (Eph.4:22,24)

(2) Ishmael would be fighting with Isaac continuously at Abraham's house if he did not leave; how does this show the constant struggles between our old lusts and the new men? (Gal.5:16-17; Rom. 7:18-19) Please give an example.

V. Genesis 21:22-34
14. (1) How did Abimelech perceive that God was with Abraham in everything he did? (Gen.chapter 20)

(2) Can others see the blessings God has on you and in turn be drawn to seek God themselves?

15. (1) What kinds of problems did Abraham encounter while dwelling in this place? How did he solve the