Genesis Vs. Cain's Genealogy In Genesis

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Pages: 4

The genealogy in Genesis 4:11-26 is the genealogy of Cain whereas the genealogy of Genesis 5:1-32 is the genealogy of Seth. Both of these genealogies originate from Adam, but these genealogies differ in their actions, and the consequences of their actions. It is evident in Cain’s genealogy that the sin of one’s father affects the generations after. Similarly, the blessing of one’s father blesses the generations after. In the Toledoth of Adam, Seth’s genealogy was portrayed positively than Cain’s genealogy. Another important fact is that through the line of Seth and Shem, redemption and salvation is observed. Cain’s and Seth’s lineage have similar names that are worth comparing; some notable names are Lamech and Enoch. A comparison is also noticed between some of the …show more content…
Both Cain and Seth are Adam and Eve’s children. Cain, the older of the two, committed the first murder, and was immediately banished from the land. According to Genesis 4:16, “Cain went away from the presence of the Lord” (ESV). This reiterates the separation of man from God. As a result of his action, he and his descendants were cursed in that they carried on sinning. The generational curse is seen all the way down to Lamech, the fifth generation after Cain. Seth, on the other hand, was “appointed by God”, and this is observed throughout his lineage to Noah, and from Noah to Terah (Genesis 4:25, ESV). Seth was blessed by God, and it is exhibited in his lineage. Enoch, the fifth generation after Seth, had pleased God and walked in His ways. As a form of blessing, Enoch did not have to suffer a death like other men. Methuselah, the son of Enoch, was also blessed in age, which was a generational blessing as a result of his father’s walk with God. Noah, who God was pleased and is from the lineage of Seth, was chosen by God as a redemption plan to save man from their sin. God chose the line of Seth to carry out His salvation