George Washington's Accomplishments

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Pages: 7

George Washington is well known as the general who helped the United States get its independence from the British. He was also the first president, and as the first, he would determine what the office of presidency would be. He would also help determine how the government, presidency and military would work in relationship to the citizens of the United States.

Washington was born February 11, 1731 in Virginia, which at the time was a British colony. According to the New World Encyclopedia, “Washington was the oldest child from his father’s second marriage. Washington had two older half-brothers: Lawrence and Augustine, Jr and four younger siblings: Betty, Samuel, John Augustine and Charles.” (2) Washington’s parents were of
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The 2 term presidency was not made a law at that time but probably had a lot to do with it being made an amendment later

Many things were established during the first presidency of the United States. Washington’s 2 terms as president created the government that would continue for America. On the website Buzzle, in an article entitled “Here are Some of the Major Accomplishments of George Washington”, written by Malania Oak, it is stated, “After assuming office, Washington organized the first United States Cabinet and the Executive Branch. He established the United States federal judiciary. He also played a major role in bringing amendments to the US Constitution through the Bill of Rights” (3).

. Needing to reduce the national debt there was a tax put on all distilled spirits. This became known as the whiskey tax because whiskey was the most popular drink then. This led to protests and riots. According to the New World Encyclopedia, “On August 7, Washington invoked the Militia Law of 1792 to summon the militias of Pennsylvania, Virginia and several other states to quell the Whiskey Rebellion. He raised an army of militiamen and marched at its head into the rebellious districts. There was no fighting, but Washington’s forceful action proved the new government could protect itself”