George Washington's Influence On President

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Pages: 4

Have you ever wondered why George Washington is on the US currency dollar bill? Obviously, he is a deceased president and we are all aware that typically, deceased presidents are pictured on US currency. But George Washington is more than that. “George Washington, also called Father of His Country (born February 22 [February 11, Old Style], 1732, Westmoreland county, Virginia [U.S.].” He was the leader of the Colonial Army and the leader of our country during the mid-to-late 1700s. He created a tradition to unite America.
“Washington's presidential restraint, solemnity, judiciousness, and nonpartisan stance created an image of presidential greatness, or dignity, that dominates the office even today. He was the man who could have been a king but refused a crown and saved a republic.”
Instead of indulging on limitless power as a king, he decided to give power to the people and their election of representatives. He influenced his belief of a free, democratic and united country on the people of America. It isn’t hard to consider this man a selfless and intelligent leader. His ability to invent a new country is admirable. Not a lot of people could handle this responsibility and pressure. George Washington help shape the office of all future presidents in multiple ways by, becoming the first
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Today, our current president, Donald Trump, establishes his own cabinet. “President Trump's Cabinet selections include one African-American man, one Hispanic man and three women -- one of whom is Taiwanese-American and another, Indian-American.” He is also remembered for the first Inaugural speech. An Inaugural speech is made by an elected President. George Washington took the first oath of