Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Devices

Words: 705
Pages: 3

Have you ever wondered what speech it was where President Lincoln said “for score and seven years(87) ago our fathers brought forth , on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to The proposition that all men are created equal.”(Lincoln)Well it is called the Gettysburg address; The central idea of the Gettysburg address is to inform us that we shall remember the soldiers that who gave their lives for our country .The main idea of paragraph two is that the battlefield is the final resting place for those soldiers ; the rhetorical devices used in paragraph two are; pathos, logos, flashback, sequencing, imagery, sentence structure, pace, diction, vocabulary, and tone .The main idea of the third paragraph is that the soldiers that died will be remembered and shall not have died in vein. The rhetorical devices used in this paragraph are: pathos, logos, flashback, sequencing, imagery, sentence structure ,pace, diction ,vocabulary, and tone. What really stood out to me in this speech was that the author made a very valid point and he used flashback throughout the speech as used in the main idea of paragraph three.

The third paragraph is the most important because
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The rhetorical devices used in this paragraph are: pathos, logos, flashback, sequencing, imagery, sentence structure ,pace, diction ,vocabulary, and