Gettysburg Address Thesis

Words: 437
Pages: 2

In “The Gettysburg Address”, Abraham Lincoln tries to convince the American Citizens in Gettysburg to continue fighting for the idea of freedom and democracy that the soldier died for using alliteration,repetition,and antithesis.

Lincoln uses alliteration to emphasize on the idea of freedom and democracy which had been around for decades. An example is “Four score…” “fathers” and “forth”. This is the opening of the Gettysburg Address which what will be discussed and how it connects to Gettysburg. The use of alliteration emphasizes on the idea of freedom and how the founding “fathers” brought it to the nation “ Four score…” years ago which provides how the idea of freedom and democracy continues from decades ago since “Four score…” is twenty years. Repeating similar sounds emphasizes on the idea of freedom justifying why American Citizens should continue to fights for the ideals the dead soldiers fought for since the establishment of freedom ideals makes the people continue to fight for the ideals.

In addition, Lincoln uses repetition to convey a strong image of the ideals that the living will continue to fight
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Lincoln emphasizes using “living and dead” to provide how those who live should continue to fight for the ideals of the dead. Opposites that contradict provide a strong emphasizes to provide a visual of who Lincoln wants to continue to work for the ideals of freedom and democracy. In addition, another example of an antithesis is “poor power” to emphasize how strong the government is and how the power is poor that they do not have a great deal of power if the ideals are not continued. Antithesis use is to contradict and emphasize on what Lincoln wants.

All in all,Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address emphasizes his argument of convincing the American Citizens to continue the work the dead soldiers fought for using alliteration,repitition, and