Gilead Age Vs. The Progressive Era

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Pages: 5

A good society is defined by the expectation of an individual that they think is a good society. For the existence of good society the existence of good governance is essential. Good governance as expressed through factors like reliability, predictability and accountability it has toward the society. Based on this it can be concluded that the Gilead age and Progressive era had different type of governance. The Gilead age promoted less good society than the progressive era because of the lack of reliability, predictability and accountability of the government. The government in order to promote good society must work on the relationship to business, with people, immigrants and people of color, foreign people. The Gilead era government had …show more content…
Both governments during the time would have created more convincing good society but the society built doesn’t contain all the people in the country making it a failure. A country without its people is nothing. During the Gilead age the Jim Crow rule has limited the freedom of the black community, it controlled how they live their life, where they can eat to where they can live. When mentioning the discrimination of immigrants the “Milwaukee” incident gives a clear view. During the Milwaukee incident “a polish community was infected with smallpox” (class, 1/19). This community have their own support system to survive the laissez faire society meaning they won't pay taxes which resulted in poor health coverage. After the smallpox outbreak the government didn’t respect their culture or so on when interfering on the burial of the corpses that were contagious. This resulted a riot. The riot was seen as a disrespect to the whiten …show more content…
They thought it has worked but not entirely. A good society comes from a good governance and this two different governments with different ruling methods failed to create a good society that include the minority the immigrant and colored people. The progressive era has had done better job changing and creating a better society than the Gilead Age but that doesn’t mean they have worked well enough. They created this laws like the white warfare that continued racism but also gave them a right to vote. A good society include equality when there is no equality their won’t be fairness leading to the non-existence of a good society cause if people are being hurt who is benefiting