Global Carbon Cycles

Words: 983
Pages: 4

17. What does it mean to say that energy flows through an ecosystem while nutrients are cycled within an ecosystem?

The nutrients cycle through the ecosystem, and when an organism dies the materials that make up the organism will eventually work its way back into the plant because matter cannot be destroyed.

18. How are humans altering the global carbon cycle? Why is the alteration of the carbon cycle in this way a concern?

Carbon is present in all organic bonds and is an essential element on earth. Carbon cycles through exhalation; this is one way that humans alter the cycle. The second way is the deforestation, fossil fuels, and other poor agricultural practices. The Burning of fossil fuels and deforestation leads to a disruption in
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Macroevolution also known as speciation is a species that splits into more than one species through various mechanisms. It also makes enter breeding impossible between the groups in a population which will create more than one species.

20. Fully describe competition in an ecological context. Give an example.

Competition in an ecological system is organisms and species interacting in which both species are harmed. Which there is a limited supply of at least one resource such as water, food, or territory? An example is a cheetah and the lion, both are similar species, both are impacted by each other because there will be less food.

21. Fully describe exploitation in an ecological context. Give an example.

Exploitation sometimes leads to co-evolution of species. Mutualisms are interactions between two parties, and it benefits both sides. An example is the Mycorrhiza which has a connection with the root of some plants and various species of fungi; they help because the plant offers space and carbohydrates. The plant's benefits because it provides nitrogen and water to the
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The rotation changes so that it is closest to the various points of the year. Around June 21 the beginning of summer is when the sun is the further north that it will travel which this is called the Tropic of Cancer. The winter will appear around December 21 is when the sun is the further north that it will travel which this is called the Tropic of Capricorn. In autumnal and spring equinox which is September 23 and March 23.

27. Describe the major differences between temperate and tropical forests.

The temperate forest is either North or South of deserts; it has less water that tropical forests and most of the precipitation come in the summer. Most trees will lose their leaves in the winter. The Temperate Forest has good soil, and the species diversity is much smaller that the tropical forest.

The tropical rain forest is in the equatorial regions. In the tropics, the air rises and then heated by the sun, then cools and releases water that is what helps the tropical rain forest have consistent precipitation throughout the year. There is 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness and the soil is