"glory": Olympic Games and Women Essay

Submitted By kaynara
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October 22, 2012 Last updated at 15:35 GMT

2016 Olympics 100m sprints in Rio de
Janeiro: Are Women on the lead?
BY: Bianca Cartera and Daniel Young

Statistics have proven women’s 100m sprint records to be rapidly improving in comparison with the men’s records.

Countless researches, studies and reviews tend to ‘prove’ men to be of the faster, stronger and ultimately superior gender. However, women are seemingly making a comeback as their rate of improvement, progression and development start to steal the spotlight. Will women finally get to steal the glory the men have been luxuriating in ever since

Domains and Ranges of men and women’s data regarding the Olympic records
Domain: x≥ 1
Domain: x≥ 1
Range: 10.3≥ y
Range: 11.9 ≥ y
The Domain of my linear function for both the men and the women’s scatter plots (Shown on Page
3) start from 1 and increases infinitely. This is because the “domain” represents the number of
Olympic events held after 1944 and the Olympic events, so far, will continue until the end of time, therefore the domain will not have an end to it as well.
The Range of the linear function for the men’s scatter plot (Shown on Page 2 and 3) is anything below or equal to 10.3, and the range of my linear function for the women’s linear function is anything below or equal to 11.9 because the “range” is the number of seconds that represents the gold medalist winner, and it is correspondent to an Olympic year. Since it is a linear function that is decreasing, then the y intercept would represent the record in which the number of seconds is at its highest. The range of the function may go down infinitely, based on this graph, since nothing indicates that the domain will stop, so nothing also indicates that the range will stop because the range of both records is dependent on the Domain. In other words, the record of the women and men’s sprints are dependent on what Olympic year it is held.


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This is a scatter plot showing the data from both the men and women’s records regarding the 100m Olympic sprints. It is evident from this graph that the men’s records are on the lead in comparison with the women’s data since the women’s number of seconds is always more than the men’s in every single Olympic event. Though it is also evident the women’s data is more accurate since it is more stable and steadily improving as it is decreasing almost constantly per every Olympic event, while the men’s data is less correlated due to the fact that their records worsen (they become slower) a lot of times every passing event, resulting in a graph with a more scattered data.



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These are the same data from the men and women’s 100m
Olympic sprint, but they are separated into two different scatter plots, one for each gender.
Looking at the scatter plots individually, the difference of the gender’s rate of improvement (the slope of the line of best fit) is not very noticeable. In the same manner, when we compare the records of the 100m
Olympic sprints of men to the women’s, what may seem important is the difference between the two genders per every event, rather than the improvement of each gender compared to the previous event.


As seen at the tabulated raw data of the gold medalists for the 100m sprint Olympics through years 1948- 2012, the men’s record improvements have not been constant as their records have gone slower