Gospel Of Mark Essay

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Pages: 4

In the Gospel of Mark, which provides the gospel passage for most Sundays this year, we heard at the Easter Vigil less than a week ago, Mark’s account of the discovery of the empty tomb.

At the close of the narrative, Mark depicted the women disciples fleeing in amazement, not saying anything to anyone out of fear (Mark 16.8).

Other scenes at that first Easter find the apostles cowering behind locked doors, afraid of being exposed as followers of Jesus of Nazareth (John 20.19). That will be this Sunday’s gospel.

John has chosen the painting of Jesus accompanying two disciples on the Road to Emmaus by Robert Zünd for the memorial card of his ordination. The image recalls how we can have all the details of Easter morning and yet be unable
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How are we to respond Pope Francis’ urging that we join in the “New Evangelization?”

The Holy Father invites us to be daring enough to tell our family, friends, co-workers, and classmates about Jesus. Often, we don’t feel comfortable sharing our faith. At times, we can’t find the words to do so. We need to experience the Risen Lord at the heart of our lives.

One of the key features of the message of Easter is that Jesus goes ahead of His disciples. The angels challenge the apostles to go to Galilee where they will see Him. More than a geographical place, Galilee, I would say, is a spiritual reality.

“Galilee,” you see, can stand for the experience of a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, who calls me to follow Him and to share in His mission, to become His “missionary disciple,” learning from Him each day and then proclaiming Him and His way of life to others.

For us who have been baptized, returning to Galilee means treasuring in our hearts the living memory of that first personal encounter and call, when Jesus passed my way, gazed at me with mercy and asked me to follow Him. To return there, then, means reviving the memory of that moment—however and whenever it happened—when I sensed His eyes meet mine, the moment when He made me realize that He loved