Grade 6 Dance Narrative

Words: 713
Pages: 3

It was grade 6 dance. Nikki was just standing there, staring at Michael.
"Go up to him," Shelly said to Nikki. "Just go ask him to dance."
"What if...."
"Just go."
Nikki slowly walked up to Michael. Her palms were sweaty and she was breathy heavy.
"Hey, Michael," Nikki said nervously. "Do you want to dance?"
"Sure," Michael said.
Nikki and Michael made their way to the dance floor. They held each other in theirarms.

"Michael," Nikki said. "I have something to tell you."
"I like you too," Michael said.
Nikki gasped, and her jaw dropped to the ground.
"You do?" Nikki asked.
"Of course," Michael said. "You faked an interest in science for who knows how long just to spend time with me. How can I not like that?"

Six years later...

Michael and