Greed In Beowulf

Words: 464
Pages: 2

Beowulf an epic that exemplifies loyalty, selflessness and cowardice. Although this poem wields an unknown writer it’s still a very decent read. Beowulf the main character/Protagonist of the story hears of all of Grendel’s evil doings in the land of the Danes. Grendel the main antagonist of the story is completely disgusted with the Danish peoples along with all of their traditions. This story seems to have two groups of warriors the thanes and the geats. The geats being Beowulfs clan which he choses to travel from his home land of Sweden to Denmark to help him slay Grendel. The thanes are the cowardice Danish warriors lead by king hrothgar that Beowulf has to assist in killing Grendel.
Beowulf finds out about all of grendels evil mischief