Greek Architecture Essay

Submitted By Alyssaaherrmann
Words: 726
Pages: 3

.•Jack Wozniak ­
I found pictures of modern and ancient examples of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.

Doric: Developed by the Dorian Tribes on the Greek Mainland.
It was a simple, sturdy and undecorated design.
Doric columns had no base. Ionic: Developed by the Ionian Greeks living along the coast of Asia Minor (present day
Turkey). It was more delicate and ornate than the Greek order. Corinthian: Was developed in the city of Corinth during the classical period. Developed well after the Doric and Ionic we're founded. It is a variation of the Ionic design, but it has curved acanthus leaves instead of scrolls. I also described the three and showed how they kept being used in modern times in pictures. Greek architecture has modeled western architecture in many ways. This is because the
Greeks and Romans had an incredibly beautiful way of doing work. The reason it was efficient was because the architecture was also stable and kept buildings up ad strong for long periods of time. For example most buildings in Washington, D.C. Have pillar like designs. There are many different styles. •Katie Cutrone and Alyssa Herrmann­ Columns
The Romans modified Grecian Doric columns by adding a separate base and more ornamentation. The Romans used Corinthian style columns extensively because of their lavish embellishments.
Read more :­influence­ roman­architecture.html

Temples and Basilicas
Roman temples, unlike Greek temples, were small and varied in their structure. The Romans incorporated the Greek use of columns on the temple façade and the use and placement of the triangular pediment. Theaters
Initially, conservative Romans built temporary theatrical structures. Later on, the Romans modeled their permanent theaters after the Greeks, but built the stage building one story higher and turned the orchestra pit into seating because Roman theater did not require a chorus. Materials:
­The Romans invented and utilized cement. Stone­
­Marble would clearly be used to decorate surfaces, lime and sandstone would be used for pedestrian areas subjected to light wear whilst basaltic lava or granites would be employed for uses subjected to great stress.
­The Romans imported marble from Greece before they discovered extensive Italian marble deposits. Wood­
­Floors, ceilings, trusses and scaffolding for construction.
­Another use of wood was in machinery of war and for construction purposes.
­It was in these cases that the deep knowledge of the material enabled this machinery to undertake the extreme conditions and loads to which it was subjected. rome_building_materials.htm *** along with all the informational facts, there are pictures to show how wach thing was using in Greece. •Thomas Healy
*pictures also The most recognizable feature of Greek Architecture is columns or porch roof. The second bank of the US in Philadelphia, used from 1816­1832, was one of the first government buildings to fully represent the Greek Revival.