Greenhouse Effect Essay

Submitted By azizaj
Words: 347
Pages: 2

The Greenhouse effect
Conduction is the transfer of heat through a material. Heat is transferred directly in and through the substance. Conduction heat loss or gain results from the transfer of heat directly through the materials of the building envelope. If the outside temperature is greater than the inside temperature, there is heat gain from outside the building.
Heat is primarily lost or gained through our windows or walls.

We speak of building materials as being poor or good conductors of heat.

Two objects must be touching for this transfer to occur.
Convection is the transfer of heat from particle to particle. It is the transfer of heat by the movement of fluids such as air or water. For example, the heated air around a stove will tend to rise to the ceiling. We all know hot air rises and cool air sinks. That is natural convection. Forced convection refers to the use of fans or pumps to move a fluid/air and the heat contained in it. We generally have forced-air furnaces in our homes.
Radiation is energy transmitted directly through space and does not require matter in transmission. All objects radiate energy or heat, which heats all cooler objects around it. Solar radiation passes through space to heat (and light) objects that it strikes. A person in a room with cold windows will radiate heat to them and that person will feel cool even if the air in the room is warm.
The greenhouse effect is experienced first hand by entering a closed car that has been