Grendel's Argument Against Abortion

Words: 684
Pages: 3

The moral compass of society has become misdirected when it comes to abortion. Feminists, pro-choice supports, and many others have become the Grendel of the world when it comes to abortion. Many people believe that the woman should have the choice to murder a human being. Even if abortion is okay, it goes against the laws set hundreds of years ago, yet society still believes that abortion should be legal. Also, it goes against the world of the Heavenly Father. Americans built their nation on Christian foundations, but people still continue to allow non-christian behavior. No one can put a stop to abortion except the people themselves. Americans have to become the Beowulf despite Grendel’s darkness. Some babies die by chance but none should die by choice. Each year, there are around 1.1 million children aborted in the United States. The US has one of the highest abortion rates in the world, yet no one is trying to stop it. Although some people don't see the point in stopping it, when you support abortion, you no longer support life. Now, some people may say that a fetus is not a child therefor …show more content…
The constitution was written and signed hundreds of years ago, and the United States should still follow it. Although, the US has not done an excellent job of living according to the constitution; it is hard to be a nation following these set rules yet still allowing abortion. The fifth amendment states, “No person shall be.. deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” According to this, the United States should deprive no person of human life, but if they allow abortion, how are they living up to their laws? In the Pledge of Allegiance it states “… for liberty and justice for all,” but a nation cannot provide justice unless they stand up against the killing of innocents. The United States must put an end to abortion in order to follow their