Essay about Group Development Project

Submitted By Khan-Mohammed
Words: 1821
Pages: 8

Group Development Project
The career for which this application will be used is Engineering. I have selected this field because I belong to this field, have some experience in team management.
Engineering is very vast field, it has many branches like Electrical, Civil, Electronics, Mechanical, Computers etc. Even if we have different engineering fields we still have same concept and ideas to manage a team. Engineering is combination of both management and technical methods, each field requires different skill. Business or Finance field varies from engineering, In all engineering groups we have to deal with managers, engineers, supervisors, technician, labour and helper, these are the most common people and it is like a closed loop until engineer and from engineer to manager is another link.
I would further like to enhance my group development skills and will also use the following ideas, models and examples for my future reference and work.
Group can be defined as several individual people coming together to execute same objective. There are many related theories on how group works. One of them is by George Homans, he basically said that when different people share same activity, they tend to have more interaction among them self and develop negative or positive feeling towards each other, his theory is mainly based on activities, Interactions and sentiments. Theodore Newcomb's theory is based on "attraction to one another on the basis of similar attitude towards commonly relevant objects and goals."

The most common infrastructure on how groups work was developed by Bruce Tuckman in 1960s. His theory was based on five stages
1. Forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing
5. Adjourning.
Groups many times constitute and important factor to study the organizational behaviour. There are different types of groups and depending on group size and weather it is formal or informal the group dynamic changes. Few of the groups we know are
i. Task Groups ii. Functional Groups iii. Command Groups iv. Interest Groups
v. Reference Groups
The group which I would be discussing will be about Command and Task Groups. Command group consist if sub members who only report to supervisors or engineers or managers, this group maintains hierarchy. While Task group consist of members who work for same goal and to complete that goal in specified time.
Based on these two groups my career field group development will be implemented, as my chosen field is engineering and we have to maintain hierarchy but at the same time we work all work of same goal within given time limit.
Plan to develop my group:
The group theories from Bruce Tuckman and George Homans will be followed to build my group.
1. Forming: At first we go through a phase where we are not sure of certain things like motive, chore and supervision etc. We need to form these missing loops before going for next stage.
2. Storming: In this period not every individual in group has same views and many will disagree with each other with counter arguments taking place before norming state happens.
3. Norming: Group members come to mutual understanding and occupy the areas which were designed with no further conflicts, a group is formed.
4. Performing: The group now starts to function, work and finish on same objectives.
5. Adjourning: Resuming of the group happens which depends on objective accomplishments similar to formal groups.
Formal Groups: The whole company works under a closed loop under different groups. It helps the member to give training and award them.
They always have mutual consent behaviour and allows to compete with other groups in the organization.
My initial stage to develop a career group will be based on Bruce Tuckman's theory. As I will have new members in my group or I will be new so I require every sub member to understand my rules and also follow them. I will face difficulty in storming stage for placing group members in a work area which they are best