Gun Safety Lesson-Personal Narrative

Words: 1077
Pages: 5

The twigs crunched under my boots, reminding me for the 7th time that I have to be more quiet. Guarded by a grove of trees, I could not feel the wind, but it was still cold. A faint chirp sounded through the canopy of tall, still trees. I got excited at the thought of a squirrel calling, then I remembered that the forest was so big that it probably was an echo from a different part.
My dad walked beside me with the barrel of his gun pointed to the sky, which reminded me that I should do the same before he notices, or he might give me another gun safety lesson. We were about a 10 minute walk from the cabin that we were staying at, and decided to stroll a deadly walk through the trail that cut into the swamp. It was mid-day, but cold enough
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As quietly as I could, I crept slowly to the tree that would be my partner in the kill of this animal, making sure that I keep a lock on the position of the squirrel.
I pushed my gun in place against the tree, and peered through the scope. I saw the squirrel, it was enjoying itself, chewing on an acorn. It had no idea its life was about to end. Suddenly my barrel became 20 pounds heavier.
“You can do it, Ian, I know you can,” Dad assured.
This was the moment, either the moment that I would end this animal, or the moment I chicken out and step down. Either way, I had to choose now. Life or death.
I pulled the trigger. There was a moment of silence. The silence was broken by the sound of the squirrels lifeless body falling into a pile of twigs and leaves. It jerked several times, and then went limp. It was done. I smiled. I had done it. I had done it. And I was proud.
“Great job, Ian! That was a nice shot!” Dad congratulated, then ran to grab the squirrel.
Even though I had just done something that I had sworn I would never do, something inside me said it was going to be ok. Then I knew I would become the hunter my dad knew I could