Haemon Character Comparison In Fences And Antigone

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Pages: 1

The characters of Haemon and Cory Maxson in Fences and Antigone, respectively, are both the sons of the main male character. Even though the plays were written over 2000 years apart, the characters share many characteristics. Both youths are struggling to make their fathers see what path they should follow. Haemon attempts to convince his father to do the right thing and let Antigone go free. Cory does not bluntly tell his father to do the right thing, but it is indicated through his actions and behavior. Cory just wants to prosper in life, but his father is holding him back by not letting him go to college.
Haemon, in Antigone, differs in many ways from Cory Maxson. The name “Haemon” means bloody according to whatisthemeaningofname.com. This