Hallway Hangers Case Study

Words: 459
Pages: 2

Hallway Hangers is a group of white boys who has no high aspirations due to their economic disadvantages. Brothers is a group of black boys who grew up in a similar environment and economic standing as the Hangers but still attempts and makes use of the opportunity they are given. The values, beliefs and norms of the Hangers and the Brothers differ greatly that you could almost call them opposites. Values represent shared ideas about what is good, desirable, worthy as opposed to bad, undesirable, worthless. For example, honesty, loyalty and physical toughness are some that are considered as values. The Hangers value drugs, alcohol and physical toughness to gain and maintain respect from others. The hangers intrinsic value (similarities and common interest that attract them to each other) would be their pessimistic attitude and their loyalty for the group. The brothers, on the other hand, value education by pursuing extracurricular activities, their studies and focusing on getting to college. They aim to exchange value of their education for benefits in the future such as earning money. The intrinsic value for the Brothers consists of family values, interest in girls, and sports. The norms of the Hangers and the Brothers align accordingly with their values. The norms of the Hangers would be that school is not their priority and being in their own …show more content…
The result that can be seen right away rather than in the future. The qualification for this campaign would be involving white men. To target the Brothers, you would need to be black. Also, because the Brothers believe in the importance of education you could advertise by offering a higher education which could lead them to bigger success in the future. They focus on benefits in the long run rather than immediate benefits, therefore, the campaign with these qualities would be