Hamiltonianism Vs Jeffersoniaism

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Pages: 2

The Articles of Confederation was a one branch with a weak central government of United States, which was debated from 1776 to 1781. There were no executive or judicial branches in this type government. This government was very ineffective because of the disorganization of economic policies, absence of leadership, and poor law enforcements.
America was in 75 million dollars into debt from war to gain independence. It was already hard for America to stand good economically. The Articles of Confederation made it worse because Congress could not regulate trade and could not levy taxes. Congress was only allowed to trade with Native Americans and had no power to consult an agreement with outside countries. Furthermore, congress could not levy
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On the other hand Jefferson was the complete opposite. Hamilton and Jefferson both had opposing viewpoints. Hamiltonianism was based on industrial revolution whereas Jeffersonianism was rooted in rural revolution. Hamilton believed that a nation will be strong if it is modeled on Great Britain. Furthermore, government should support high tariffs, the national banks, and a loose interpretation of the constitution. He thought Yomen farmers were better citizens because they has property. He is an anti- democrat and believes that there should be no political rights. All rights are reserved to the state only. Also, there was no power given to create banks, a lot of inflation was present. This is when the Whiskey Rebellion broke out. New England and Mid-Atlantic states supported Hamilton.
However, Jefferson opposes to the strong national government. He argues for states’ rights, strict interpretation of the constitution, more expansionism, and opposes to the support of commerce and manufacturing. South, West, and Northern cities supported Jefferson. He opposed to Hamilton’s tariffs because these taxes affected the poor and middling