One example being Polonius, attempting to increase his power and importance by spying for selfish means, this was a serious crime and was his downfall. The atmosphere of corruption and decay is set early in the play. Act 1, Scene 4, we encounter old King Hamlet’s ghost, who, betrayed by his power-hungry brother, is a symbol of revenge and corruption. Marcellus famously states, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” [ I.4.90], unknowingly referencing to Denmark’s rotten monarchial core and it’s effect upon Denmark. Continual linkages between corruption and decay are made, the ghost being the most evident. Hamlet refers to the air in Denmark as "a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours." [ ll.2.5], permeating far and wide, symbolic of the infectious quality of sin that Claudius brings. Imagery highlights the transforming of a being into a decaying mass symbolising sin’s effect on the human soul. In Act 5, Scene 1, Hamlet philosophises about humanity’s “returneth to dust” and how the eventual decaying of the human body is a great leveller of