Hamlet Argumentive Essay

Submitted By KelseeCthewriter
Words: 605
Pages: 3

The family dynamic in Hamlet is a lot different than the family dynamic now. Families in Hamlet’s time are knitted closer than families now. The relationship between Hamlet and his mother is a very strong one, a lot stronger than the relationship I have with my mom. Hamlet and I both lost our father that must be a big reason he is so close with his mom… She is really the only one he has left. Hamlet’s relationship with his mom is something that I wish I had. My mom and I love each other but I don’t think it would be enough to go through something like what Hamlet and his mom did. The way she talks to him, her tone in the movie shows that she loves and cares for him. The quote “Let not thy mother lose her prayers, Hamlet. I pray thee, stay with us.” Sticks in my head, her tone of voice is a bit whiney (in the movie) but I could hear the love she has for her son. Who really wants to let their child go after always having them around? No one, even if your kid thinks you could somehow be behind the murder of his father. Even though Hamlet thought his mom could have had some part in his father’s death, he still truly loved her. There are so many kids now that go through little things with their moms something and I end up never really voicing my opinion in fear of getting screamed at. Other kids I know do the complete opposite. They get into trouble with their mom any chance they get. Usually they do it to show their parents how little they care about the adults attempts to discipline.
Since Hamlet is a prince, he never gets punished for what he does (his parents don’t anyway, he beats himself up a bit on the inside.) When he killed Ophelia’s father, he got off scott free because his uncle (the present king) said he would take care of it. He flipped out and just about strangled his mom, even though his mom really doesn’t have the power to do anything it. If I were Hamlet’s mom I would of done something…. If kids are not punished for their wrong doings then they