Hans Tutschku's Nighttime Songs From Afar

Words: 580
Pages: 3

Electroacoustic? That sounds like a cool word, but Hans Tutschku’s Nighttime Songs from Afar showed me the actual genre of music—if you can even call it music—does not sound cool at all. When I decided to make the trek in the unexpected winter-cold on April 7 across Rice campus from Brown College to the James Turrell Twilight Epiphany Skyspace, I had no idea what to expect. I made my way up the steps to the upper seats of the Skyspace, took a seat, and tried my best to enjoy my first show at the Skyspace. Within five minutes of sitting down, I became bored out of my mind. The music had not started yet, but the colors shone nicely in the Skyspace: yellow, blue, white, pink, white, pink, peach… I appreciated the pleasant visual, but I wondered