Happy: Obesity and Healthier Lifestyle Essay

Submitted By rectifyyy1555
Words: 343
Pages: 2

Benji Smith 2/9/14
Teacher Class Name
Physical Education

Focus Question: Why is obesity rising so rapid in America?

Thesis: Obesity in America has almost doubled over the years due to the substitution of physical activity for technology and the terrible eating habits that people have fallen into. This is why Physical Education is so important; by teaching children young to eat good and exercise regularly will hopefully instill good habits that they will carry through life.

5 Questions:
1) Do you think video games have any correlation to the rise in obesity?
2) What is your view on the growth of fast food chains?
3) Do you think healthier advertisements will advocate a healthier lifestyle to the public?
4) If you had to guess how long do you think people should exercise everyday? 5) In your own opinion do you think obesity is more of a mental disorder or just a big natural appetite?
Topic Overview:

The obesity rate in American society has nearly doubled since the 1980s and kid obesity has nearly tripled. Obvious health benefits are becoming more and more of a concern and out of the top five countries in the world struggling with this problem America is number one. The substitute of physical activity for technology and the terrible eating habits that people have fallen into is the main reasons that we are facing this problem as a nation