Hard Work Equals Success In Rudy Puana's The Red-Headed Hawaiian

Words: 300
Pages: 2

Hard Work Equals Success The message that I think Chris McKinney is trying to send readers through Rudy Puana’s story, “The Red-headed Hawaiian,” is to work hard in life and do not let anyone say you can’t do something in life because you can do whatever you want in life, it is just the fact on how bad you want to get where you want to go or be. Don’t let anyone hold you back from doing something you want to do. Do what you want and work hard to get there. That’s what I feel like the author’s message is. For example, in the book on page 63 we can see how Rudy is talking to Chris when Rudy says he wants to become a doctor and it goes on to say, “He looked at me and laughed. ‘Yeah right, braddah,’ he said. ‘You ain’t no doctor.’” This shows