Haroun chapter 3 5 Louis Essay

Submitted By Xiv-Louis
Words: 338
Pages: 2

Haroun and the Sea of Stories 3-5 Word Wizard Gloompuss yarns(49): gloom means sad, and gloompuss yarns means someone says or does things sadly. This word creates the situation of Rashid, which is lost the ability to tell funny stories, instead, he could only tell sad stories. Fantastick(52): this means bizarre, strange. Snooty Buttoo said this to show he felt odd to sleep on a turtle whose shell had been removed. Sulk(56): it means mad, angry. It shows Iff got angry when Haroun called him thief and took his disconnecting tool, he thought Haroun was unreasonable. Hoopoe(64): it is bird that leads all other birds through many dangerous places to their ultimate goal. This bird is a mechanical transporting tool, which can take you to another planet. And can talk with you telepathically. Kahani(67): it is the Earth's second moon in the novel. Kahani means story in Hindustani. And that is the reason why there is the ocean of stories on the Kahani in the novel. Plentimaw Fish(85): This fish is a very good example from author in order to tell readers that nothing from nothing and how this story world works. These fish combine old stories to produce new stories, so that the stream of stories will never dry up. Discussion director Why do you think Rashid said,"The Moody Land was only a story." can indicate he was very depressed indeed? Pg48 What do you think will happen according to Haroun was confused about making decisions between recovering