Harriet Tubman's Fight For Freedom

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Pages: 3

“I would fight for my liberty so long as my strength lasted, and if the time came for me to go, the Lord would let them take me.” - Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman was one of the most important abolitionists. She helped free over 300 slaves along the Underground Railroad. She was born into slavery in 1820 and escaped in 1849. Instead of staying safe, she insisted on returning to the plantations to help other slaves escape from the hands of the slave owners. Tubman risked her life to take the prisoners on the painstaking journey. Her bravery will never be forgotten.

Tubman had to be brave in order to free the slaves. She constantly had to outrun slave hunters and disguise herself, because if she was caught she would suffer severe punishments,
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She remains confident across the trek to liberty. She always had to be sure where she was going. She knew that if she continued using the same route she would be more likely to be caught. So each time she had to vary her routes which were incredibly risky. Tubman couldn’t give up, because the other slaves saw her as a role model. Once she gave up it was the end for them. But she never did, for example when the runaways made it to the first safe house they were rejected, “‘Too many, too many. It’s not safe...’and slammed the door in her face.” When the man prevented the runaways to take refuge in his house, Tubman held her head up high and began the march to the closest hideaway. When they reached the next safehouse they were taken in and sheltered, but the warmth didn’t last long Tubman didn’t dawdle. She continued the journey and didn’t allow any slaves to slack off.

Harriet Tubman was an inspiration to not only African Americans but also historians. Not soon after she “conducted” on the Underground railroad, she also helped in the civil war as a nurse, cook, and spy. She helped liberate over 700 slaves in the Combahee River Raid. Tubman was highly respected when she was alive and became an American Legend. Today she continues to encourage Americans with her heroism and her daring