Hate Revealed In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Words: 540
Pages: 3

Romeo and Juliet was about the violent relationship, forged in hate or the Montague and Capulet families. The theme was in a world shrouded with vengeance and violence all are punished. This adaption focused more on scenes involving fighting and death, and less on the actual love story of the characters of Romeo and Juliet in order to demonstrate the effects of hate, not love. The all-female cast was to melt away the division of gender, yet the cast shows us a woman can play as man as women possess the same strength and power traditionally classified for me men.

In Romeo and Juliet I played Gregory a member of the Capulet household. Gregory fits into the story of the play as he shows personifies the past hatred between the Montague and Capulet families. Any time a Montague passed my character’s path it was immediately a fight. This is evidence of the extremely tumultuous relationship between the two families and my character’s youth shows how these feelings have been passed off between these generations. My character’s super objective was to honor the Capulet name. In scene 1. I fight for the Capulets name and in scene 8 and 14 I physically carried a Capulet body. This shows my allegiance to the family and how willing I was to protect my family. Vice Versa, I also
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These moments were my favorite because they were so different from what I typically do as an actor. As in actress emotions and facial expressions flow easily, but I oftentimes feel physically disconnected to my body. To perform these scenes well I had to be completely connected mind and body. This role helped me to focus on feeling things with my whole person. Within the performance process I learned a lot about stage fighting as well as the supreme physical involvement of Shakespeare. As Gregory. I ran, fought, jumped, yelled, and carried. By the end of this 85 minute show I was exhausted. This show taught me physical