Health 100 Essay

Submitted By lispe1
Words: 1690
Pages: 7

Health HW Short Answer llI 1. Describe factors that influence a person's desire to form intimate relationships.
Humans have a natural desire to be loved and wanted which is usually demonstrated in intimate relationships. If a person is lonely they may want to form an intimate relationship. 2. Describe factors that are associated with long-term loving relationships.
I believe honesty/trust, intimacy and good communication are associated with long-term loving relationships. Being honest with your partner and having trust is the most important factor because the other factors stem off of trust. Intimacy with your partner is also good for a long term relationship because humans are sexual beings. Exploring your sexual side with your partner often can prevent your sex life from becoming boring, which can sometimes break up a relationship. Lastly, good communication is a huge part of a long term relationship. When you’re able to communicate your problems with your partner, or your desires, feelings or what you want, there’s no room for confusion and less drama. 3. Identify the phases of the human sexual response and the physiological changes that occur in males and females during each phase.
There are 4 stages of the human sexual response: the excitement stage, the plateau, the orgasmic, and the resolution stage. During the excitement stage in males, the penis becomes erect. In women, your heart rate increases, and blood pressure rises. In the plateau stage, in men, the male urethra contracts in order to stop the mix of semen and urine, in preparation for ejaculation. In women, it’s somewhat the same feeling of the excitement stage. The clitoris becomes extremely sensitive. The orgasmic stage for men, is ejaculation, where as in woman, it can vary on the woman from ejaculation, to the tightening of the walls. Lastly, the resolution stage is the relaxation of the muscles used during intercourse for both men and women. 4. List the pros and cons of using each method of contraception and the effectiveness of each.
Abstinence- The pros of abstinence is not becoming pregnant, and not contracting any STDS.

Condoms- The pros of condoms are that they can prevent STDS when used properly and don’t break and you don’t need a prescription to get them. The cons are they don’t protect against skin to skin infections.

Birth Control Pills- The pros of birth control pills are they can reduce your chances of becoming pregnant when used correctly. They can also decrease a woman’s menstrual cycle. The cons are they don’t protect against STDs and some pills come with uncomfortable side effects.

5. Identify parts of the male and female reproductive systems and describe the functions and location of each part.
* Penis: This is the male organ used in sexual intercourse. It has three parts: the root, which attaches to the wall of the abdomen; the body, or shaft; and the glans, which is the cone-shaped part at the end of the penis. The glans, also called the head of the penis, is covered with a loose layer of skin called foreskin. This skin is sometimes removed in a procedure called circumcision. The opening of the urethra, the tube that transports semen and urine, is at the tip of the penis. The penis also contains a number of sensitive nerve endings. * Scrotum: This is the loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind and below the penis. It contains the testicles (also called testes), as well as many nerves and blood vessels. The scrotum acts as a "climate control system" for the testes. For normal sperm development, the testes must be at a temperature slightly cooler than body temperature. Special muscles in the wall of the scrotum allow it to contract and relax, moving the testicles closer to the body for warmth or farther away from the body to cool the temperature. * Testicles (testes): These are oval organs about the size of large olives that lie in the scrotum, secured at either end