Health and Social care Essay

Submitted By Dunstan96
Words: 2436
Pages: 10

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was one of the most famous ever people to have lived and to be remembered. He inspired lots of people and his work still exists at this time, in this presentation I am going to talk about the life stages of Gandhi. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on the 2nd of October 1869. He was the preeminent leader of the Indian leader of the Indian independence movement in British ruled India.
Conception and Development
This is when a sperm fertilises the egg. It involves two cells meeting called the gametes, which will eventually lead to an embryo forming. This occurs in the body of a female in the internal fertilisation. Within 4 weeks the embryo is about 6mm long and has a heart, brain and spinal cord and arms and legs, in 8 weeks the embryo will be 25mm long weigh 2grams maximum and main organs will be forming, now called a foetus at this stage. In 12 weeks the foetus will be 75mm weigh 18grams, nails will start growing on their fingers and toes, in 16 weeks 160mm long weigh 140grams external genital organs can be seen covered in fine hair, in 28 weeks eyes open foetus has strong desire to suck 280mm. In 32 weeks strong chance of survival if born will be 370mm brain and spinal cord and arm and legs build, 40 weeks 50cm long weighs between 2.7 to 4.1 kg head faces downwards and foetus is ready to be born.
Birth and Infancy
At this stage Gandhi would learn to trust that his parents will meet their basic needs, if Gandhi’s basic needs aren’t properly met at this age, he might grow up with a general mistrust of the world.

Physical development, most babies weigh between 51/2 pounds and are between 18 and 22 inches long, male babies are generally slightly heavier and longer than female babies. Infant’s birth weight generally doubles within the 6 months and triples by the infants first birthday. Baby grows between 10 and 12 inches in length and weight and the baby proportions change during the first 2 years. The size of an infant head decreases in proportion from 1 to 3 of the entire body at birth to 1 to 4 at the age of 2. The teeth will start to appear at 4 months, if a child gets their teeth they are likely to be advanced in physical maturity. Will have developed mobility skills Intellectual development, they will be able to distinguish speech from sounds you make, focuses on high contrast patterns and faces recognises a few objects bottle or rattle and hold onto objects briefly as their voluntary group replaces reflex grasp, also looks at their hand and feet. At this age Gandhi was able to smell and test. At this stage Gandhi parents could distinguish between weather when he cried he was hungry or needed his diaper to be changed. Also at this age enjoys playing with toys and starts to learn sing are longs.
Emotional and Social development,. At 2 months Gandhi started to smile at his parents faces and other humans, at 3 months Gandhi responded when his parents talked, at 5 months Gandhi distinguished the difference between familiar and unfamiliar people, at 6 months Gandhi could smile, laugh, enjoy contact with others and being able to feel happy. At 2 years Gandhi knew his gender. At this age Gandhi was starting to try talk for example saying “da da” or “mama” or exploring with other words. Also at this age Gandhi had formed a strong bond with his parents and also recognise expressions for emotional or dander for example for example being able to tell if his parents where sad, or being scared of pets for example cats or animals.
As a preschool child Gandhi would have continued to develop more independence and start to do things of his own initiative. If Gandhi was not able to take initiative and succeed at appropriate tasks he might develop guilt over his needs and desires
Physical development at the age of 2years Gandhi had good balance, could learn how to run, climb, ride a bike and at 4 years old he may have been too able to kick a ball. Gross motor skills