Hegemony Research Paper

Words: 481
Pages: 2

In my opinion the most important thing I have learned about in this class is hegemony and its negative effects it has on our society. Hegemony was the first most important thing that stuck out to me in the course simply because it is the basis for nearly all of our socioeconomic problems. Hegemony contributes to the gender roles that play a big part in the other problems we try so hard to stop yet see no improvements on. For example violence in schools, domestic violence, discrimination, and much more. The behavior classified with hegemony and hegemonic people is controlling and or seeking ascendancy, or subordination through poor behavior to gain control of people, situations, etc. Hegemony extends far beyond gaining control through poor behavior …show more content…
I even noticed hegemonic behavior in my personality that I have removed very quickly, because I feel that it was basically a poison in my life. Hegemony is a very ugly trait and only downsizes your growth as a human, and takes away from the person you truly are. Hegemonic behavior from other people has had a severe negative effect on my life. As I continue to go through my cycles I see it effect a lot of other innocent people too and they have no idea. There for personally hegemonic masculinity is most important for that reason especially. It has brought no good qualities or memories in my life that I need, only sad and or unhappy memories. I’ve seen hegemony tear friendships, relationships, job opportunities, and much more apart. The effects from hegemonic behavior in the end are only negative, and if I would have learned of hegemony earlier my life would be much farther along than it is now. However I am thankful to have learned of hegemony now, and I am happy to say that I have already rid my life of most hegemonic behavior, and working on ridding hegemony