Hello World Essay

Submitted By hellokitty021
Words: 797
Pages: 4

Assessing Your Time Management Skills

For each set of statements below circle the number of the one that best describes you.

1. I like my watch to be set exactly at the correct time.
1. I like my watch to be set a few minutes ahead of the correct time.
2. Most of the time, I don't wear a watch.
1. I tend to arrive at most functions at least 5 minutes early.
1. I tend to arrive at most functions exactly on time.
2. I tend to arrive at most functions a little late.
1. In the course of my daily activities I tend to walk and talk quite fast.
1. In the course of my daily activities I tend to take my time.
2. In the course of my daily activities I tend to walk and talk quite slowly.
1. In high school I almost always completed my daily assignments.
2. In high school I usually completed my daily assignments.
3. In high school often failed to complete my daily assignments.
1. I rarely spend more than 15 minutes at a time on the telephone.
2. I sometimes spend more than 15 minutes at a time on the telephone.
3. I often spend more than 15 minutes at a time on the telephone.
1. I like to finish assignments and reports with a little time to spare.
2. I like to finish assignments and reports exactly on their due dates.
3. I sometimes finish assignments and reports a little late.
1. I rarely spend more than an hour eating a meal.
2. I sometimes spend more than an hour eating a meal.
3. I usually spend more than an hour eating a meal.
1. I never watch more than 1 1/2 hours of TV on a weeknight.
2. I sometimes watch more than 1 1/2 hours of TV on a weeknight.
3. I usually watch more than 1 1/2 hours of TV on a weeknight.
1. I never spend more than an hour surfing the Web or talking on a chat line at any one time.
2. I sometimes spend more than an hour surfing the Web or taking on a chat line at one time.
3. I usually spend more than an hour surfing the Web or talking on a chat line at one time.
Now add up the numbers that you have circled __________________

The higher the total, the more you need to work on time management skills now that you are in college. If your total is over 10, you probably need to adjust your priorities and begin to take more responsibility for managing your time.

168 Hours per Week
Complete a time analysis

Each week has 168 hours (24 hours per day X 7 days per week). Analyze how much time you spend in an average week on sleep, meals, chores, exercise, transportation, work, family responsibilities, classes and studying. Look at the following example of a time analysis:

Hours per activity in a 7 day week

Sleep 56 hours
Meals 14 hours
Chores 5 hours
Exercise 5 hours
Transportation 5 hours
Work 15 hours
Family 5 hours
Classes 15 hours
Studying 30 hours
Total 150 hours

Note in the example the student has 15 hours of