Help ! Im Trapped In Obedience School Summary

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HELP! I´m Trapped in Obedience School is written by Todd Strasser in the year 1995. He has written many award-winning books for kids and teenagers. His best known books are The Diving Bell and Abe Lincoln for Class President. Todd speaks at schools about writing and conducts writing workshops for young people. Todd got the Green Earth Book Award for the book Beast of Cretacea. He lives with his family just outside of New York City with his Labrador retriever, Mac.
HELP! I‘m Trapped in Obedience School takes place in a town in the USA. It is about three boys who are very good friends. Their names are Josh, Andy and Jake, and Jake has a one year old Labrador retriever named Lance. Josh is an only child and his parents work late every night so he‘s pretty much alone when he‘s not with the guys. Andy is also an only child and his parents were on a work trip so he was staying at Josh‘s house for a few days. Jake has a sister
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One day after school Jake is taking Lance out for a walk when he decides to meet the boys. One thing led to another and the next thing I knew was that they were in Mr. Dirksen’s garage. Mr. Dirksen is their science teacher but he wasn‘t at home. Jake wanted to show the guys the weird machine Mr. Dirksen had in his garage. When Josh decides that it‘ll be a funny idea to press a red button on the machine thing didn‘t really go as he had planned. When they woke up after a few seconds they found out that Andy was in Lance’s body and Lance was in Andy’s body. Jake and josh had no idea what to do when they saw Andy, or Lance in Andy's body act like a crazy person, or should I say, a dog. And when they saw Lance, or Andy in Lance’s body, standing on only two feet and yawn with his hand covering his mouth they freaked out. Somehow they managed to get Andy back to Josh’s house without anyone noticing. Well except for the people that called the police on them