Essay Help available for Mental health issues

Submitted By Rhovanil
Words: 341
Pages: 2

Unfortunately in society today there are an increasing number of people experiencing mental health issues. It is important that those who are encountering such difficulties seek support as soon as possible because the earlier it is addressed the more effective the treatment will be. Generally the first person to be contacted in such circumstances will be the family GP. Many offer medication in the short term to alleviate the symptoms while referring the patient to specialist services, e.g. a health team for further support and treatment. In extreme cases where the patient may be at risk to themselves or others, the GP will immediately arrange to have the patient hospitalised so that they can be further assessed and the appropriate treatment undertake by trained professionals. In addition, the GP will discuss with the patient the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle which addresses their diet, the amount of physical exercise they pursue and the importance of nurturing loving friendships so they have people to listen to them so they can release their tension and worries in a relaxed manner. The patient may also avail of support from a trained counsellor either by being referred from their GP, school, social worker or privately on their own. Ultimately the role of a counsellor is to listen to their clients in a safe secure and non­judgemental manner as they disclose their problems and concerns. A counsellor may engage in a number of techniques