Henry Parkes Contribution To The Federation Of Australia's History

Words: 564
Pages: 3

The federation of Australia was a significant part of this country’s history. Although, now the question is, who lead to making it happen? Henry Parkes also known as the father of federation was an important politician who made this country a better place. He was considered as one of the great men who was forming Australia into the country it is today.
Sir Henry Parkes was a noteworthy19th century politician. He had the ability to see the importance of actions he was taking and whether they were the right thing to do. He could see the development of a strong and united country ahead of him. His skill to do this lead to the people believing that his way was the right way to go.
Henry Parkes born in England spent a small amount of time at school. He arrived in Australia in 1839 and went into business. He then started his own newspaper called “The Empire”. He had a deep passion in
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Mr Parkes started to express his interest in Australian federation in 1867. He said that the colonies should be united by a bond of connection. His plan was not chosen but it was later used as a model for the final version. One of Henry Parkes' roles in federation was to make it a popular amongst all Australians and to convince them into believing that federation would help this country.
Henry Parkes had a huge influence in federation. Without him many people may have not agreed and now this country could have still been 6 separate colonies until this day. His Tenterfield speech was possibly the most influential speech that eventually led to the uniting of the colonies and Federation of the nation of Australia. There are many strategies Henry used to truly convince the people into agreeing with him, these worked and had an impact on this country. If Sir Henry Parkes wasn’t in Australia at the time this country wouldn’t be the