Herbert Bentwich Research Paper

Words: 835
Pages: 4

It is not secret that the Jewish people have always lived difficulty. Even from the start, the Jewish people were slaves to Egypt and were taken from their promised land. Resulting from the oppression the Jews faced, they were separated all around the world, causing their pride and population to dwindle. After centuries of this oppression and separation, the zionist Herbert Bentwich decided to lead his people back to their homeland, unaware of the effects this might have.
During the late nineteenth century zionist Herbert Bentwich decided to leave his comfortable life in London to bring the Jewish people back to their promised land of Israel. At this time, zionists, or Jewish nationalists, were spread throughout the world, lacking a homeland.
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Afterall, he was motivated by the need to create a home-like place for the Jewish, and Israel is the holy promised land anyway. Afterall, The jewish people have always been a largely oppressed group. But many take this oppression and say that it just ways God’s test their loyalty. The old testament is about just this; The Jewish people losing faith and needing to find it again. I am not saying that I think Bentwich wanted mass destruction and violence on the palestinians or his people, but I do think that he would fight for the Jewish right to live peacefully in their homeland. According to WORLD RELIGIONS BOOK, “Peace talks and peace peace treaties are compromised by terrorist attacks, guerilla warfare, and violence that still continues to erupt between Arabs and Israelis.” Clearly this conflict is far from being over Overall, I think that the Palestinians and Jews could live in a better state if their land was divided up in a more clean way. In addition, I think each side really needs to understand each other and realize the only way to end this ruthless dispute is to compromise and figure out a way to live