Here Follows, By Cormac Mccarthy

Words: 657
Pages: 3

“Here Follows” by Ann Bradstreet and “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy share a common theme which is believing in something bigger and better than the circumstances around you. Both pieces were written to reflect two different time periods, yet they both come together to produce the same theme. “Here Follows” was written to be a puritans belief on religion. She believed that everything that happened in her life was happening because it was Gods plan for her. One night, she awakens to her house burning to the ground. Even with her puritan belief, her natural instinct was to panic and call out to God for his help and guidance in that moment of panic. Her “heart did cry to strengthen me in my distress.“ She thinks back to the memories she had in her home, the laughter that was shared there, and all her possessions and naturally she …show more content…
They are in a post apocalyptic world where everything around them is literally falling apart and tarnishing. There are “monsters” hiding behind every corner ready to attack the boy and the father who are on a journey to find something better and safer. The father is much like the narrator in “Here Follows” because he believes in something better. He doesn't however believe it of the world, he believes it of his son. He see's a brighter future and something better in his son. The father himself, I believe, has questioned his own faith and whether God is still there. Simply because the circumstances around them are so horrid that there's no way God is still with them. But his son believes in God. His son still prays to a God above and believes in “the good guys.” Even in their darkest hour, the son believes they have something waiting for them at the end of this dark tunnel and the father believes in his son. He thinks his so is the “something better” at the end of the