Hermes The Olympian God Research Paper

Words: 299
Pages: 2

Hermes is the herald of the Olympian god. His name comes from the word Herma which was a square or rectangular pillar that is either bronze or stone. They marked the roads and boundaries and sometimes were used to fend off evil. Hermes, as herald of the olympian gods, his job was to guide dead souls to the Underworld and to bring dreams to mortals. He was also the protector of travelers, thieves and athletes. His father is Zeus and daughter Maia. Maia is the daughter of Atlas and one of the Pleiades. Hermes has a brother, Apollo. Hermes is believed to be the father of Pan, Abderus and Hermaphroditus. He had several affairs with goddesses, nymphs and mortals just as any other god. Hermes has also allegedly had affairs with sheep and goats and