Herodotus And Theban Betrayal Essay

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Herodotus foreshadows the theban betrayal because Leonidas wanted all the glory for the Spartans as well as the fact that the thebans were actually divided into two fractions supported by Diodorus account. We first see the foreshadowing of Theban betrayal when Herodotus is describing who Leonidas is taking apart of his greek army. In reference to Leonidas brings the thebes with his Greek army, Herodotus states, “The reason why he was concerned to take troops from Thebes, and only Thebes, was the strong suspicion that their sympathies were with the persians; So his request for troops was intended to find out whether they would answer the call… they did in fact send troops, but their intentions were otherwise”( Herodotus 7). The Thebans in this text are seen untrustworthy people for they might have ties with the persians people. Herodotus explains how Leonidas was questionable about bringing them along but he allows the to come although he still thinks there intentions are against the Greeks. Also, Herodotus foreshadow the betrayal one other time, …show more content…
The Thespians stay with Leonidas because they are loyal, on the other hand the thebans stay unwilling possibly foreshadowing a problem associated with the Greeks. After many foreshadowings of the Theban betrayal Herodotus describes that once the Greeks begin fighting the Persians and the thebans decide to retreat, “The Thebans under leontiades stayed together for a while with the greek force and were compelled to make some show of fighting against the persian army. But when they saw the persians gaining the upper hand, they took advantage of Leonidas retreat to the hillock to detach themselves from the main body”(Herodotus 7). It is clear Leonidas was right when he thought the Thebans intentions were questionable for right when the fighting against the Persian began, the Thebans decided to leave the army behind while retreating to the